It's been 70 years since the Brown v. Board decision.

Have things changed? Let's discuss!

Steve Linson, M.Ed.

Director of Student Services
Northeastern Local Schools
Steve Linson, M.Ed.

.Mr. Steve Linson is a twenty-one year veteran in education with experiences spanning elementary, middle, and high school. He taught reading and science for seven years in Clark County before returning to Northeastern Local in an administrative role. He endeavors to match the educational services that will best suit the individual student and their needs. As Director of Student Services, he is responsible for special education, pre-school, gifted, ESL, home instruction, and related services. He is also Director of the district Anti-Harassment, Intimidation, & Bullying Task Force and Climate Committee. Mr. Linson has worked in both elementary and middle school settings, supervising and evaluating certified and non-certified staff, and managing building finances.  He has implemented a variety of school programs, including school wide-behavior incentives and awards, the tiered-RTI system for intervention, and short-cycle assessments to help focus instruction.

MAP Center Advisory Board