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Professional Learning Events

The Midwest and Plains Equity Assistance Center brings together education stakeholders across district and state boundaries, supports peer-to-peer mentoring, and offers opportunities to share information on similar problems of practice regarding educational equity. The Center offers everything from the multi-experience Learning Network Cohort to two-day immersive conferences such as Equity Leaders Institute. Register for the Center's 2023-2024 professional learning events HERE and plan to join us at one of our events. 



Equity Leaders Institute

Equity Leaders Institutes (ELI) are transformative two-day learning experiences intended to increase participants’ capacities to advance and sustain equitable practices in teaching and learning.  We limit Institute participants to 60 in order to ensure personalized technical assistance support from Center staff. Participants engage in shared learning experiences related to effective practices for leading equity-focused district/school improvement initiatives, network with others in similar roles and responsibilities, and initiate planning towards efforts for increasing their capacities to effectively lead equity-focused school/district improvement initiatives.

Registration Forthcoming.


  • Elevators
  • Wheelchair Accessible
  • Audio Amplification
  • Additional accommodations upon request

TA Center Equity Advisory and Service Networks Convening 

The TA Center Equity Advisory and Service Networks Convening (Convening) is an equity learning engagement convening that brings together education stakeholders around equity considerations in supporting SEA’s equity-oriented evidence-based practices to realize student’s civil rights protections. The Convening brings together Region III state-level leaders from Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Kansas, Oklahoma, Missouri, South Dakota, Nebraska, and North Dakota, as well as university scholars and MAP Center nationally recognized advisory members of national TA Centers, to participate in critical conversations about equity considerations and apply practice/policy solutions.

Registration Forthcoming. 


  • Recorded Episodes with Closed Caption
  • Downloadable Transcriptions


Collegial Problem Solving & Network Supports 

Collegial Problem Solving & Networking Supports (CaNS) brings together cohorts of individual educational leaders and small teams across the region in order to develop their individual capacity to engage in equity work in their local context. As part of the CaNS, cohort members participate in monthly 90-minute virtual group collaborative shared learning and networking experiences. Sessions are designed to empower members to connect with one another across the region and to leverage the expertise of regional partners, as well as fellow cohort members in thought partnership to address problems of practice.

Registration Forthcoming. 


  • Recorded Episodes with Closed Caption
  • Downloadable Transcriptions

Learning Network Cohort

The Learning Network Cohort is an intentional learning community that provides shared learning and networking opportunitiesresearch based, practitioner-friendly resources, and technical assistance for cohort members related to a common topic of interest. The 2024 LNC focus is creating safe & inclusive schools. Cohort members participate in two virtual, live professional learning and networking experiences, and have access to resources and individualized technical assistance by request.

NEW benefits this year include the opportunity to earn a micro-credential in Safe & Inclusive Schooling and have the waived fee to our Equity Leaders Institute, participation in peer-led workshops on safe & inclusive policy, and learning and networking with other equity-minded educators.

Please click the link above to learn more!


  • Recorded Episodes with Closed Caption

  • Downloadable Transcriptions

Partnership Academies

Requisite Partnership Academies are unique professional learning sessions designed exclusively for Tier Three partners that focus on a particular topic pertaining to educational equity and are in alignment with partnership MOU goals and objectives.

  • In the Equity-Oriented Strategic Planning Partnership Academy, Tier Three partners engage in facilitated strategic planning sessions specifically focused on defining and/or advancing their organization’s systemic equity goals.
  • In the Centering Equity in Professional Development and Capacity Building Planning Partnership Academy, Tier III partners engage in facilitated systems-wide professional development and capacity-building planningIn the Monitoring and Evaluating Equity-Focused Initiatives Partnership Academy, Tier III partners engage in monitoring and assessing the implementation and impact of equity initiatives, as well as planning for scaling up and sustaining equity efforts.

Elective Partnership Academies are professional learning sessions designed for all partners to access.  

  • In the Centering Equity in Curriculum and Instruction Planning Academy, partners engage in professional learning and networking experiences that support district and agency teams in recognizing features of culturally responsive curricula and instruction, understanding essential leadership practices for implementing equity-based curricula and instruction and applying a research and practice - based tool to support the analysis of curricula materials and instruction through an equity lens.
  • In the Increasing and Sustaining Culturally Responsive and Diverse Educator Academy, partners engage in professional learning and networking experiences that support participants in recognizing teaching and learning conditions that are marginalizing to adults and students, describe goals and indicators toward realizing a culturally responsive diverse educator workforce and examine and begin steps to refine current organizational plans to increase the diversity of educator workforce as well as increase the capacity of educators to engage in culturally responsive equity-focused educator practices. 
  • In the Equity-Oriented Educators Partnership Academy, partners engage in activities that will deepen their understanding of essential equity constructs to increase their capacity to dislodge oppressive deficit ideologies, policies, and practices and promote asset-based and emancipatory educational practices.   
  • In the Educators Meeting the Moment: Equity-Focused COVID-19 Recovery Partnership Academy partners engage in professional learning and networking experiences that support district and agency teams in understanding the short and long-term impact of COVID-19 on student learning and wellness. Partners will engage in activities that review and critique common narratives and responses to student educational difficulties following the start of the pandemic and leverage key considerations for educational decision-making, prevention, intervention, and individualization across all levels of programming: schoolwide, group, and individual.

Sessions are held virtually and/or on-site at Indiana University Purdue University (IUPUI), Indianapolis.

Partners in Practice TA Collaboratives 

Partners in Practice TA Collaboratives (Collaboratives) are virtual equity network learning convenings that bring together past and present K-12 partners to plan and deliver practical strategies responsive to urgent equity practice issues.

Registration Forthcoming.


  • Recorded Episodes with Closed Caption
  • Downloadable Transcriptions

Community Alliance for Equity

Community Alliances for Equity (CAE) are various equity engagement network formats all aimed at collectively centering the expertise and assets of community members, classroom teachers, and parents/caregivers as central to collaboratively supporting school district’s equity-driven COVID-19 recovery efforts.

Registration Forthcoming.


  • Recorded Episodes with Closed Caption
  • Downloadable Transcriptions 



Meeting the Moment

This new shared learning and technical assistance professional development series is a collection of 3 hr. live virtual learning opportunities focused on critical topics of the moment in relation to the four desegregation areas addressed by the Center (race, sex, national origin, religion). Participants will be engaged in interactive shared learning experiences with a collaborative action planning component. Below are the session topics.