Empowering Girls in a Social Media World:

A Virtual Learning Experience

Community Alliances for Equity Virtual Coffeehouse: 70th Anniversary of Brown vs. Board of Education

July 2024
Tiffany Anderson, Denise Taliaferro Baszile, Sarah Diem, Saba-Na'imah Berhane, Kristina Johnson-Yates, & Seena M. Skelton

In light of 2024 being the 70th anniversary of the landmark case Brown vs. the Board of Education, in this Virtual Coffeehouse House, Dr. Tiffany Anderson, Dr. Sarah Diem, and Dr. Denise Taliaferro Baszile respond to a series of discussion prompts that are designed to center discourse around contemporary desegregation and integration efforts.

Resource shared during this session:


Recommended citation: Anderson, T., Taliaferro Baszile, D., Diem, S., Berhane, S., Johnson-Yates, K., & Skelton, S. M. (2024, April 30). 70th anniversary of Brown vs. Board of Education. Community Alliances for Equity Virtual Coffeehouse [Video]. Midwest & Plains Equity Assistance Center.
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