Empowering Girls in a Social Media World:

A Virtual Learning Experience

Join the Practitioner Learning Network (PLN) Today!


The Practitioner Learning Network (PLN) is an intentional learning community that provides shared, co-facilitated learning and networking opportunities for members related to mutual learning goals. The MAP Center offers opportunities for cohort members to participate in co-facilitated and practitioner-led online professional learning and networking experiences including synchronous online sessions, access to curated resources, and technical assistance from Center staff. 

















The 2024/25 Practitioner Learning Network offers two options in response to feedback noting participants' interest in a PLN experience focused on policy and practice. 




Starting November 12, 2024, this four sessions center on the nuances of the multi-tiered process of policy construction in education, and the various stakeholders' input in formal and informal policy creation in schools. This cohort is recommended for leadership teams in their building, district, or state education agency. 


Registration is now closed for this cohort.


















Starting February 12, 2025, this cohort is centered on implementing practices and action planning in tandem with learning from the e-course, “Creating a Safe and Inclusive School Culture and Climate: Preventing and Addressing Bullying and Harassment.” Cohort 2 is recommended for teams or individuals who are classroom educators and building staff. 

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