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Welcome to the EquityScan Systems Survey (ES³)!








Welcome to EquityScan Systems Survey (ES³) - your comprehensive solution for assessing equitable practices within various systemic domains. Designed specifically for educators, this tool enables survey-level assessments to gather valuable insights into the equity landscape of your agency. With the EquityScan Systems Survey (ES³), you can efficiently identify strengths, pinpoint areas for improvement, and inform targeted strategies to promote equity in your setting.

Read on below for more information about the ES³ and how to use it!






Instructions & Guidance


Staff Survey

Team Consensus Excel Too






Instructions & Guidance

The ES³ user guide provides a detailed instructions on how to use the EquityScan Systems Survey (ES³) effectively. It includes step-by-step instructions and best practices to help you navigate through the tool, including how to prepare to interpret final results as a team--as well as plan action steps towards addressing areas for improvement. Before using the ES³ components, please read the user guide carefully. 


Download Instructions and Guidance







Staff Survey

The Staff Survey component is designed to collect comprehensive data from your staff. This survey helps gather insights into their experiences and perspectives on equity within your agency. You have an option to complete this survey online or by downloading a fillable PDF; it is your preference!


Take Staff Survey Online                                             Download Staff Survey PDF























Team Consensus Excel Tool

The Team Consensus Excel Tool component is essential for analyzing the data collectively as a Team, based on conversations around Staff Survey results. This tool helps in organizing and interpreting the survey results to inform your strategies for promoting equity.


Download Team Consensus Excel Tool





Download All Components

Ensure you have downloaded the Instructions & Guidance, Staff Survey, and Excel Tool.



Review Guidance

Carefully read through the Instructions & Guidance document to understand how to implement and leverage the survey.

Conduct the Staff Survey

Distribute the Staff Survey to your staff, either through the online version or the downloadable version.

Team Response Summary

Each member will use their survey notes to inform the team's collective responses.



Analyze Data

Use the Team Consensus
Excel Tool to input the survey data and analyze the results.

Develop Strategies

Identify strengths and areas for improvement. Develop targeted equity strategies using the action planning documents provided.




Take Staff Survey Online                              

Download Staff Survey PDF