Empowering Girls in a Social Media World:

A Virtual Learning Experience

Learning to Live Together: Episode Two

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September 2023
Sarah Diem & Federico R. Waitoller, with (in order of appearance): Peter Piazza, Jeff Sapp, Sino Donato, Terah Venzant Chambers, & Seena M. Skelton

Learning to Living Together is a four-part podcast series about inclusion and school integration in the twenty-first century. Across the four episodes, we delve into the meanings, tensions, and practices of integration and inclusion in today’s context.

In the podcast series, Equity Fellows Dr. Sarah Diem and Dr. Federico Waitoller bring together their expertise in racial and socioeconomic integration, inclusion of students with disabilities, and their intersections with race to grapple with the following questions: Are we still longing for racial integration and inclusion? What does integration and conclusion mean to different stakeholders? Are we still dreaming about the project of learning and learning to live together? Is it still feasible? What will this project look like in 2023 and moving forward?  

In the podcast series, we hear from individuals with various backgrounds, experiences, and engagement with social struggles about their perspectives on inclusion and integration. Guests include:

  • Seena Skelton – Director, Midwest and Plains Equity Assistance Center; Director of Operations, Great Lakes Equity Center
  • Terah Venzant Chambers – Professor of Educational Administration and Associate Dean in the Graduate School, Michigan State University
  • The Donato-Sapp family – Jeff Sapp and Sino Donato
  • Peter Piazza – Director of School Quality Measures, Massachusetts Consortium for Innovative Education Assessment

In episode two, we examine even more important questions than those posed in episode one: Should we continue to strive for inclusion, school integration, or inclusive education? Is it an all or nothing approach or should we be thinking about it differently depending on the context? Is it always worth it?  What are the benefits and challenges?

Check out other episodes:

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