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Leaders Critical Reflection Framework for Creating the Conditions Where a Culturally Responsive Diverse Educator Workforce Can Thrive

Leaders Critical Reflection Framework for Creating the Conditions Where a Culturally Responsive Diverse Educator Workforce Can
September 2024
Midwest & Plains Equity Assistance Center and Technical Assistance Advisory and Network Partners

Authored by: 

  • Sophia Farmer, MT
  • Alexandria Harvey, Ph.D.
  • Christina Kasprzak, Ph.D.
  • Kathleen King Thorius, Ph.D.
  • Erica D. McCray, Ph.D.
  • Dawn Miller, Ph.D.
  • Ruthie Payno-Simmons, Ph.D.
  • Nelsinia Ramos, M.S.
  • Seena Skelton, Ph.D.
  • Natalie Walrond, MBA

The Midwest & Plains Equity Assistance Center (MAP Center) collaborated with Technical Assistance Advisory and Network partners to create this framework. This document serves as a guide to creating conditions where a culturally responsive diverse educator workforce can thrive. An inequitable work environment can be detrimental to educators' and students' mental and physical health. Creating the best conditions to recruit, support, and sustain culturally responsive and diverse educators takes work and change.  

This framework includes what leaders should know, value, be, and practice. Each domain contains suggestions for best practices. These suggestions are not specific to a leadership level, and you are encouraged to use them in whatever way will be most helpful.  

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