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The Power of One, the Power of the Collective: Recommitting to Equity Work in Your School Community

fists of people from many races held in the air
March 2021
Diana R. Lazzell, Tammera S. Moore, Erin K. Sanborn, Robin G. Jackson, Seena M. Skelton & Kathleen King Thorius

In this issue of Equity Digest, we explore why it is important for school community stakeholders to recommit to equity work. In order to further your mission, recommitment requires critical self-reflection and examination of one’s own biases. Recommitment is about a deep understanding of your goals and objectives, and how you situate yourself in your social justice work in relation to historically marginalized groups of people, recommitting to not losing sight of your purpose and desired outcome—systemic transformation that provides an opportunity for all students to thrive in school.


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