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A History of In/Equity in US Public Education Policy and Law: Implications for School Boards

September 2019
Cesur Dagli, Kyle Huskins, Seena Skelton, and Kathleen King Thorius

The purpose of this A History of In/Equity in US Public Education Policy and Law: Implications for School Boards Timeline activity is to provide a broad overview of the key legislation and court cases related to the advancement educational equity in U.S. public schools. Important milestones related to public school governance, school integration, and civil rights are showcased beginning with the genesis of compulsory schooling in relation to the colonization of the Americas.

The A History of In/Equity in US Public Education Policy and Law: Implications for School Boards interactive timeline explores historical challenges and efforts in policy and governance toward educational equity, while surfacing that the origins of U.S. public schooling are grounded in the ideology that not all peoples are created equal. This timeline also provides a socio-historical context in which to situate discussion about the what, why, when, and how public schools have and are still changing towards creating and sustaining public schools that work for all students.

This interactive multimedia activity was originally developed for participants in the MAP Center’s 2019 Equity Leaders Institute--Moving Beyond Critical Reflection to Critical Action: Policy and School Governance.  We are pleased to share this resource by making it accessible to everyone. 


  • Review the A History of In/Equity in US Public Education Policy and Law: Implications for School Boards, please take time to read each milestone and view the videos
  • Complete the matching activity
  • Respond to the discussion prompts on the Padlet discussion board
  • Provide us feedback on how you used the timeline activity and the impact on your professional learning.