Real Advice from Real Caregivers:

Guiding Your Teen to Post-Secondary Success

The 20-Minute Talk: Episode 6--Hope, Healing, and Harmony for Antiracism

August 2021
Courtney Reed Jenkins, J.D., C.P.M., Rev Hillstrom, Ed.D., Chrishirella F. Warthen, Ph.D., Tiffany Kyser, Ph.D., M. Nickie Coomer, Ph.D.

This episode will focus how one’s positionality may define what is hope, healing, and harmony for antiracism. Also, the tension of unity vs. self-determination (i.e. how to acknowledge that those who have been historically marginalized are often called to temper their pursuit of racial justice at the intersections, in efforts to unify fractured communities). Guests will share their ideals and strategies to negotiate the tensions of unity versus racial equity in their school community context.

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