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The 20-Minute Talk: Episode 2--Antiracism in the Age of COVID-19

March 2021
Toia Jones, M.Ed., Perry Wilkinson, M.Ed., M. Nickie Coomer, M.Ed., & Tiffany Kyser, Ph.D.

This episode of our Anti-Racist Vodcast, The 20-Minute Talk, features guest speakers Perry Wilkinson, M.Ed., Education Equity & Systems Data Specialist at SE/Metro Regional Center of Excellence Southeast Service Cooperative (MN), and Toia Jones, M.Ed., Principal of Boulder Hill Elementary in Community Unit School District 308 (IL). This episode is a discussion of the importance of anti-racist practices in schools, particularly for school communities to advance safe and inclusive learning environments for students, students of Color, and students who possess the racial/ethnic identities of Black/African American and Asian American. **Vodcast Series recordings are closed captioned.**


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