Empowering Girls in a Social Media World:

A Virtual Learning Experience

The 20-Minute Talk: Episode 1--Introduction to the MAP Center's Anti-Racism Podcast Series

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December 2021
M. Nickie Coomer & Dr. Tiffany S. Kyser, with Guests Dr. Seena M. Skelton & Dr. Kathleen King Thorius

This EquiLearn Podcast Series, The 20-Minute Talk, is a podcast repurpose of the Midwest and Plains Equity Assistance Center (MAP Center)—a project of the Great Lakes Equity Center’s— 2021 Vodcast Series. Episode One of The 20-Minute Talk is an introductory discussion of the need for an Anti-Racism Vodcast Series and the MAP Center's anti-racist stance, featuring guests Dr. Seena Skelton, Director of Operations of the MAP Center, and Dr. Kathleen King Thorius, Executive Director of the Great Lakes Equity Center and the MAP Center.