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Equitable Science Instruction

Equitable Science Instruction
May 2016
Tammera Moore, Robin G. Jackson, Tiffany S. Kyser,Seena M. Skelton, and Kathleen King Thorius

This edition of the Equity Dispatch states that a more accurate and pluralistic depiction of science is needed to debunk the Eurocentric and male-centered dominant narrative and to provide an inclusive, culturally responsive and sustaining model for science education. Mainstream science education omits the considerable influence of, and contributions made by people of Color, women and people with dis/abilities and as a result, reinforces stereotypes and promotes a discourse of invisibility. Meaning that within science curriculum development there has been little or no consideration as to how issues of inequity impact historically marginalized students in science education. Students of Color, students from lower socio-economic backgrounds, students with dis/abilities, linguistically diverse students, female students, and others are thus treated as invisible in science education.

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