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Creating Equitable Integration Districts for 21st Century Students

Creating Equitable Integration Districts for 21st Century Students
April 2014
Kitty Chen, Erin Macey, Juhanna Rogers, Marsha Simon, Seena Skelton, and Kathleen King Thorius

This edition of the Equity Dispatch states that on the 60th anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education, there is still much to be done to move toward a more equitable educational system and a more just society. Students should be achieving in school and in life regardless of racial background and income level. Cohesiveness and understanding should be foundations of our society. School integration can be a meaningful practice that benefits children in the short-term and society-at-large in the long run, but it requires that we pay careful attention to our history and work across all levels of the system. This is a debt we owe to students like Ruby Bridges and families who took, at great cost, significant steps toward racial justice.

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