Empowering Girls in a Social Media World:

A Virtual Learning Experience

Centering Equity in Safe and Inclusive Schooling Environments

Elementary school children outside at recess
January 2022

Open to educators and education stakeholders in the center’s thirteen-state region at no cost, this asynchronous, online course consist of 4 content rich, multi-media, interactive modules that participants can engage in at their own pace and in the comfort of their own setting.  

Through these modules, participants enhance their own understanding of the importance of educational equity as foundational for safe and inclusive school cultures and climate, free from bullying and harassment.

Participants receive a certificate of completion for 5 professional development hours from the Midwest and Plains Equity Assistance Center at Indiana University School of Education -Indianapolis for successfully completing all 4 modules. Enrollment for cohort one opens January 31st  To enroll in the course click on or copy and paste the url in your browser https://bit.ly/3nm9l6O.

Please direct your questions about the course to glec@iupui.edu


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