Real Advice from Real Caregivers:

Guiding Your Teen to Post-Secondary Success

Becoming a Social Justice Educator Through Critical Action

January 2019
Tammera S. Moore, Erin K. Sanborn, Robin G. Jackson, Zelideh R. Martinez Hoy, Seena M. Skelton, and Kathleen King Thorius

The manner in which educators engage in social justice advocacy is important not only to support societal changes but also as role models for students who are finding their own agency in social activism. Systemic and transformative change towards equity only happens when individuals are willing and courageous enough to engage in difficult conversations about power, privilege, positionality, and the historical nature of oppression towards marginalized groups. In this newsletter, we discuss the critical components of authentic social justice advocacy and how educators can engage in this advocacy toward transformational systemic change toward equity.  

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