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Robin G. Jackson, M.A.

Resource Development & Dissemination Specialist
Indiana University Indianapolis
Robin Jackson Headshot

Robin G. Jackson is a Doctoral Candidate in the Urban Education Studies at Indiana University Indianapolis. Robin is also the Resource Development & Dissemination Specialist at the Midwest and Plains Equity Assistance Center (MAP Center). Robin’s previous experience in youth-serving organizations rests heavily in after-school and summer programming across all ages with minoritized youth. It is because of this unique position that Robin has been able to tap into her own similar history and relate to the youth she served on a more informal level, forming relationships and recognizing the imperative of youth voice and autonomy. Organizations Robin has served with include Marion County Commission on Youth (MCCOY), Christel House International, the John H. Boner Community Center, Boys and Girls Clubs of Indiana, Girls Scouts, and a host of others. Robin’s research interests include decolonizing research methodologies and curricula, specifically in out-of-school time programming. 

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