A Safe, Just School for Every Student:

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Muhammad Khalifa, Ph.D.

Professor, Educational Administration; Executive Director, Urban and Rural Initiatives
The Ohio State University
Muhammad Kahlifa, P.h.D.

Muhammad Khalifa is Professor of Educational Administration at The Ohio State University. His current research focuses on culturally responsive school leadership (CRSL) practices for minoritized students. His research in CRSL addresses how school leaders can engage multiple areas, most notably: school climate, inclusionary practice around student identity, community engagement, and CRSL of pedagogy, curriculum, and development. His research has focused on Black and Brown minoritized urban contexts in the U.S. However, he has recently participated in CRSL projects in East Africa and Central Asia. His most recent book, entitled Leading during Trouble Times: Culturally Responsive School Leadership for Minoritized Youth (2018), empowers principals to become CRSL leaders. He has been instrumental in helping districts perform Equity Audits, and addressing achievement gaps in their schools.

MAP Center Advisory Board