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The State of Education for Students with Dis/abilities: Equity Considerations

The State of Education for Students with Dis/abilities: Equity Considerations
January 2014
Kitty Chen, Erin Macey, Juhanna Rogers, Marsha Simon, Seena Skelton, and Kathleen King Thorius

This edition of the Equity Dispatch states that every child deserves access to and the ability to participate in high-quality learning experiences. Deconstructing notions of ability and disability and decreasing disproportionality within special education are important steps toward inclusive educational systems. Designing learning spaces and experiences to engage authentically all learners is another essential step towards systematic change, one that will require close collaboration among educators, family members, and communities. Ultimately, critical reflection on disability, including its intersections with race, gender, nationality, and class, can lead us to the creation of democratic, inclusive, accessible communities where biological and cultural diversities are not construed as deficits.

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