Empowering Girls in a Social Media World:

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Re-mediating the Role of School-Family Partnerships in Systemic Change within Culturally Responsive Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports

September 2013
Kathleen A. King Thorius, Esmeralda M. Rodriguez, Aydin Bal

School-family partnerships within Culturally Responsive Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (CRPBIS) function toward creating school cultures that: (a) from the start, position families as equal partners with school practitioners in determining the goals, activities, and desired outcomes for local CRPBIS implementation; (b) center student and family analysis of crucial avenues for building safe and inclusive schools; and (c) attend explicitly to institutional structures that have hindered such partnerships in the past and seek to remediate them through collaborative inquiry. Read about how two districts engaged in such partnerships.

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