We Need to Talk About Education: A Zine About the Fight for Social Justice in Special Education
In this zine, we emphasize key lessons from community members in Waterloo, IA, who came together to share their experiences with race and dis/ability in local schools.This zine captures all definitions and accounts from the partnering Equity Spotlight Vodcast, Creating Brave Spaces for Community Voices in the Fight for Race and Disability-based Justice in Special Education, paired with illustrations that reflect or expand on the topics.
The zine is organized by a set of themes that participants brought up in the Vodcast discussion. The themes are interconnected and illustrate how participants experienced their childrens’ educational experiences and their interactions with the educational system. To organize the zine, we describe each theme, and then include quotes from Vodcast participants that illustrate these themes as they have experienced them in experienced in Waterloo.
Content Disclaimer: Discussions of Educational Violence at the Intersection of Disability and Race
This product contains material of a sensitive nature regarding the mistreatment of students, families, and community members impacted by the educational system, specifically due to racial and disability marginalization, which may be triggering for some individuals. Please be advised and take care while engaging.