Empowering Girls in a Social Media World:

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The History and the Importance of a Diverse Educator Workforce

The History and the Importance of a Diverse Educator Workforce
September 2022
Darlene Sampson

Welcome to The History and the Importance of a Diverse Educator Workforce. This course is part of a series created by the four Equity Assistance Centers to address the priority in K-12 education to ensure the workforce reaches more levels of diversity. 

This course, created by the Western Educational Equity Assistance Center, Region IV, will give a historical look at the educational workforce and share evidence of the importance to ensure diversity in hiring is addressed.

For access to the other courses, please navigate to:

Note: Due to changes in the configuration of the four USDOE Equity Assistance Centers, any language within related to specific methods of obtaining Professional Development Credits is obsolete.

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