Empowering Girls in a Social Media World:

A Virtual Learning Experience

EquiLearn Virtual Roundtable: Identifying and Disrupting Your Whiteness: A Workshop Addressing Power & Privilege toward Anti-Racist Spaces

Identifying and Disrupting Your Whiteness: A Workshop Addressing Power & Privilege toward Anti-Racist Spaces
February 2022
Sharon I. Radd

The term “whiteness” refers to race privilege, a way of seeing the world, and “a set of cultural practices that are usually unmarked and unnamed" (Frankenberg, in DiAngelo, 2011, p. 56). Whiteness is often unrecognized - particularly by people who identify as White - but pervasive in American society, and a barrier to inclusion and equity.

This EquiLearn Virtual Roundtable, facilitated by Equity Fellow Dr. Sharon Radd, offers a space to examine one's “personal, local, and immediate” (Singleton, 2005) connections to whiteness and privilege, and consider how to identify and disrupt rather than perpetuate them.

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