Empowering Girls in a Social Media World:

A Virtual Learning Experience

The 20-Minute Talk: Episode 4--Antiracism Conversations at the Intersections

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December 2021
Gilmara Vila Nova-Mitchell, M.S.E., Robert A. Lampley, J.D., M. Nickie Coomer, M.Ed., & Tiffany Kyser, Ph.D.

This EquiLearn Podcast Series, The 20-Minute Talk, is a podcast repurpose of the Midwest and Plains Equity Assistance Center (MAP Center)—a project of the Great Lakes Equity Center’s— 2021 Vodcast Series. Episode four of the MAP Center’s Antiracist Vodcast Series focuses on Antiracism Conversations at the Intersections. This episode focuses on the importance of anti-racist practices considering other intersecting oppressed identities including national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender non-conformity, and dis/ability. 

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