Empowering Girls in a Social Media World:

A Virtual Learning Experience

Anti-Racism Resources

Center Statement

Over the last nine years, we have partnered with hundreds of education agencies in work to address racism at the intersection of other oppressions. Many of you have read our publications, looked through our website, joined us in online learning communities and face-to-face for our Equity Leaders Institutes and Summits. You have applied our Equity Fellows policy and practice improvement tools, participated in Girls STEM Institute, shared our resources with your university students, and supported us as we worked to reignite the momentum of the journal Multiple Voices: Race, Disability, and Language Intersections in Special Education. At the same time, as your partners in the deep and constant struggle, we urge you to consider alongside your outrage over the systemic violence against our Black communities (and indeed, our BIPoC+ communities more broadly), that this very same systemic violence occurs in our schools. These are the traumas that must inform any claim of educators' “trauma informed care”: the traumas of suspension, expulsion, tracking, discouragement, silencing, restraining, secluding, segregating, and killing through systems of formal and informal surveillance and policing.

For those who are white (non-disabled, Christian, non-LGBTQIA+, English-only speaking, US born, and otherwise privileged) educators/scholars, we urge you to focus your work on dismantling the racism and ableism, and other oppressions you engage to maintain this systemic trauma for our Youth of Color and intersectionally-marginalized youth, alongside your community of white educators and scholars. Position yourselves as vulnerable and work toward the redistribution of your own power and resources, not the deficit-based fixing of children who are already brilliant and beautiful exactly as they show up in our schools, classrooms, and online spaces each and every day.

For our Black, Indigenous, People of Color+ partners, including families and students, we will continue work to center your experiences, your leadership, your wisdom, your voices, and all other forms of your expression. We will work to create more healing and loving spaces for you in particular as we move forward in the immediate and long-term future. 

In solidarity,

Great Lakes Equity Center/Midwest and Plains Equity Assistance Center ​

Downloadable Resources



Films with a Conscience


Zinn Education Project

This guide for teachers utilizes meaningful films to teach children and youth about civil rights movements for historically marginalized groups, as well as other social justice issues.






It's Time to Talk: How to Start Conversations about Racial Inequities

The Annie E. Casey Foundation

This report outlines four recommendations to help legislators, public systems, nonprofit organizations, businesses and community leaders address the many barriers facing children of Color using Nebraska and Wisconsin case studies as examples.





Listening to Black Women and Girls: Lived Experiences of Adultification Bias

Jamilia J. Blake & Rebecca Epstein

Georgetown Law Center on Poverty & Inequality

This report presents the findings from quantitative analysis of a form of gendered racial bias against Black girls--adultification, in which adults view Black girls as less innocent and more adult-like than their white peers—and a summary of findings from focus groups with Black women and girls across the U.S.



Reconstructing Race

Nathaniel W. Smith

Zinn Education Project

This article explores how a white teacher in a predominantly white school helped students to see their own whiteness, better understand racial issues, and the ways it shapes their lives.





Whitewashing the Past

Bob Peterson

Zinn Education Project

This article examines textbook curriculum and the colonial “whitewashing,” or White-centered erasure, of key history concepts, such as racism, classism, gender discrimination, and imperialism. The author urges a rethinking of traditional textbooks to be more representative, diverse, and inclusive of historically marginalized groups.



I'm Not White: Anti-racist Teacher Education for White Early Childhood Educators

Tara Goldstein

This article discusses three ways that teacher educators might prepare white early childhood education students for anti-racist work in their classrooms.



Anti-racist Education


How to Be an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi

Me and White Supremacy by Layla F. Saad

Sister Outsider by Audre Lorde

The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness by Michelle Alexander

White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo

Not Light But Fire



16 Books About Race That Every White Person Should Read

Who Gets to Be Afraid in America?

The 1619 Project

106 Things White People Can Do for Racial Justice

Resources for White People to Learn and Talk About Race and Racism

Racism/Anti-Racism Websites

Justice & Civic Identity

5 Tips for Being an Ally

Talking About Race

The Anti-racist Starter Pack

The Anti-Racist Reading List

Mirrors of Privilege: Making Whiteness Visible

White Anti-Racism: Living the Legacy

Implicit Bias and Structural Racialization

Multicultural Education vs Anti-Racist Education

Racial Healing Handbook: Practical Activities to Help You Challenge Privilege, Confront Systemic Racism, and Engage in Collective Healing

Talking to Very Young Children about Race

The Characteristics of White Supremacy Culture

Explaining White Privilege To A Broke White Person



Anti-Racism Resource Directory for Families: Resources for Multiple Grade Levels



Black Feminism & the Movement for Black Lives: Barbara Smith, Reina Gossett, Charlene Carruthers

Dr. Robin DiAngelo discusses 'White Fragility'

How Studying Privilege Systems Can Strengthen Compassion

Moving from Cultural Competence to Antiracism

What is Systemic Racism?




About Race

Code Switch

Intersectionality Matters! hosted by Kimberlé Crenshaw

Momentum: A Race Forward Podcast

Pod For The Cause

Pod Save the People

Seeing White

Blacktivism in the Academy

Have You Heard?

Revisionist History

Just Talk Ed

Seeing White


Films and TV series:


American Son

Black Power Mixtape: 1967-1975



Dear White People

Fruitvale Station

I Am Not Your Negro

If Beale Street Could Talk

Just Mercy

King in The Wilderness

See You Yesterday


The Black Panthers: Vanguard of the Revolution

The Hate U Give

When They See Us

Putting Racism on the Table: Robin DiAngelo on White Privilege



Hate Symbols

Explainer: White Nationalism

Junebaby Anti-Racist Encyclopedia

Self-Defined: Social Justice Dictionary



Racial Equity Toolkit



A Guide to Activism in the Digital Age


Anti-Asian Racism

Center Statement on the Violence in Atlanta on 3/16


This morning, we woke up to the sad and angering news of yet another act of racial violence with the mass shooting in Atlanta overnight. Our hearts go out to the families and friends of the eight women who were killed, and to the Asian, Asian-American, and Pacific Islander communities in the U.S. Anti-Asian violence has increased in most major cities with the majority of the victims being Asian women.  Centers that study hate crimes have indicated a correlation between the violence and the use of racist rhetoric associated with COVID-19 over the past year.  Educators committed to anti-racist education can engage in specific actions to combat racism and specifically anti-Asian racism, including bigotry against Asian immigrants and transnational citizens in their schools and local settings by addressing school culture and climate, confronting bullying and harassment, pushing back on the “Model Minority” myth, and engaging in culturally sustaining instructional practices. Lastly, please recognize how this latest mass shooting may affect your Asian students, and also be triggering for your Black, Latinx, and Jewish students, whose communities have also been targets of increased racial violence over the past several years. We hope that the resources below help you to understand more about anti-Asian racism, its impact, and tools for systemic change.



Resources for Addressing Anti-Asian Racism in the Time of Coronavirus

Report Anti-Asian Racism



The Asian American Racial Justice Toolkit




Asian Pacific Policy and Planning Council (A3PCON) is a coalition of API-led community organizations and individuals s that advocates for the rights and needs of the Asian and Pacific Islander American (APIA) Community in the greater Los Angeles area, with a particular focus on low income, immigrant, refugee and other disadvantaged sectors of the population.


Chinese for Affirmative Action (CAA)

Chinese for Affirmative Action (CAA) is a progressive voice in and on behalf of the broader Asian American and Pacific Islander community. We advocate for systemic change that protects immigrant rights, promotes language diversity, and remedies racial and social injustice.


Asian American Studies Department, San Francisco State University

Asian American Studies Department, San Francisco State University  furthers the understanding of the histories and cultures of Asian Americans and the various identities and experiences of our communities. Through teaching, community service, and research, the AAS department uses interdisciplinary approaches to address the structural and ideological forces that shape the lives of Asian Americans.



At 40

The Coming Man

War Baby/Love Child


Filipinos in San Francisco

Songs of Gold Mountain

Faithful Generations

Sustaining Faith Traditions in America

History of Okinawans in North America

Imin no Aiwa

The Age of Asian Migration: Continuity, Diversity, and Susceptibility

Asian American Identities and Practices: Folkloric Expressions in Everyday Life

Auburn’s Joss House

Cambodian American Experiences

Contemporary Issues in Southeast Asian American Studies

History of Asian Americans: Exploring Diverse Roots

Laotians in the San Francisco Bay Area

Encyclopedia of Asian American Issues Today

Koreans in America



Asian American and Pacific Islander Resource Library

Dove Kent Anti-Racist Repository


Self-Care for People of Color


Strategies for Practicing Self-Care from Racial Battle Fatigue

Self-Care Tips for Black People Who Are Struggling

Racial Wellness Toolbox

Breaking Isolation: Self-care and Community Care Tools for Our People

Radical Self-Care: 25 Tips for Black People

POC Online Classroom: Self-Care (Readings & Resources)

Black Lives Matter. Black Mental Health Matters Too


Talking to Kids About Racism


Coretta Scott King Book Award Winners: Books for Children and Young Adults

31 Children's Books to Support Conversations on Race, Racism, and Resistance



Parenting Forward podcast episode ‘Five Pandemic Parenting Lessons with Cindy Wang Brandt’

Fare of the Free Child podcast

Integrated Schools podcast episode “Raising White Kids with Jennifer Harvey”

Teaching Hard History



How White Parents Can Talk To Their Kids About Race | NPR

Teaching Your Child About Black History Month | PBS

Your Kids Aren't Too Young to Talk About Race: Resource Roundup from Pretty Good

7 Key Steps to Raising Inclusive Kids

How Black Art Can Spark Conversations with Children

Talking about Racism and Bias: Resources for Parents and Caregivers

Teaching Your Child About Black History

Beyond the Golden Rule



How to Raise Kids to be Anti-racist and Talk to Them about Racism


For Educators


What Anti-racist Teachers Do Differently

Why do Educators Need Anti-Racist Training?

Creating an Anti-Racist Classroom: Reflections to Level the Playing Field

Teacher Bias: The Elephant in the Classroom

Teachers are People Too: Racial Bias Among American Educators

Anti-Racism Resources for Families and Educators

A Call to Action for White Educators Who Seek to Be Anti-Racist

How to Create Anti-racist Virtual Classrooms: Strategies for Teachers and Families


Resource Repositories:

Open Up: Resources to Support Equity and Anti-racism in Schools


Anti-racist Curriculum


Social Justice Summer Curriculum for Children of Color

Racism & Racial Identity

Race & Ethnicity

Political Education, Toolkits, & Other Resources

The 1619 Project Curriculum



Antiracist Baby by Ibram X. Kendi

This Book is Antiracist by Tiffany Jewell

Crossover Series by Kwame Alexander

Dear Martin by Nic Stone

All American Boys by Jason Reynolds and Brendan Kiely

I am Alfonso Jones by Tony Medina

A Good Kind of Trouble by Lisa Moore Ramée

Ghost Boys by Jewell Parker Rhodes

New Kid by Jerry Craft

JCPS Multicultural Book List

Disrupt Texts



Teaching Hard History: American Slavery