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Beginning July 2023, Indiana University Indianapolis School of Education Professor and Great Lakes Equity Center executive director Kathleen King Thorius was appointed Editor-in Chief of Exceptional Children, the flagship journal of the Council for Exceptional Children, and widely recognized as a top journal in the field of special education. As part of a four-member team of editors that also includes Drs. Endia Lindo, Patricia Martínez-Álvarez, and Amanda L. Sullivan, Dr. Thorius is committed to four goals for the journal over the next four years: (a) situate special education as a civil rights issue, (b) cultivate increased diversity and inclusiveness in the publication process, (c) expand theoretical and methodological diversity, and (d) attend to the intersections of students’ identities. Find out more about the journal here and about the vision of the editorial team here. Dr. Seena Skelton, Great Lakes Equity Center Director of Operations, serves as a member of the journal's seven-member associate editor team.

Editors for Multiple Voices: Disability, Race, and Language Intersections in Special Education, the official journal of the Council for Exceptional Children’s Division of Diverse Exceptional Learners from 2019 to 2024.  In 2019, the journal moved to the Great Lakes Equity Center, where the new editorial team - Drs. Kathleen King Thorius, Cristina Santamaría Graff, and Seena Skelton.continued to develop the journal’s work toward countering and providing promising alternatives to troubling legacies in the education of students with disabilities, especially students of Color, im/migrant students, and those who are emergent English learners. Multiple Voices leverages the potential of scholarship toward building schools where student disability at the intersections of other marginalized race, ethnicity and language (gender, sexual orientation, religion, income, national origin etc.) identity markers is recognized, valued and a source of strength and innovation for policy and practice. In 2024 the journal was transition to a new editorial board. For more on Multiple Voices, including instructions for submitting an article, visit the journal’s website: here.