Real Advice from Real Caregivers:

Guiding Your Teen to Post-Secondary Success

Equitable, Responsive Education for All

Equitable, Responsive Education for All


Grant-funded Research

Midwest & Plains
Equity Assistance Center

Midwest and Plains Equity Assistance Center

Girls STEM Institute

Girls STEM Institute logo



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Founded in 2011 by Senior Advisor Dr. Kathleen King Thorius, the Great Lakes Equity Center in the Indiana University School of Education Indianapolis is an organizational hub for an array of research, technical assistance, and educational resource development projects, including the Region III Midwest and Plains (MAP) Equity Assistance Center and the Girls STEM Institute. Collectively, we are committed to school and system transformation toward racial, disability, and other forms of educational justice.

Higher Ed Excellence in Diversity Award 2024 logo

Learn how we can support your equity efforts!

We provide research-based, practice-informed, contextualized equity-focused technical assistance and resources to advance organizations' capacity to create and sustain equitable learning and working communities. Contact us today about how we can support your equity efforts!

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